If your ideals ignore reason, your instincts will ignore restraint.

GK Chesterton

Bolshevism and Big Business are very much alike; they are both built on the truth that everything is easy and simple if once you eliminate liberty. And the real irreconcilable enemy of both is what may be called Small Business.

GK Chesterton

When men have come to the edge of a precipice, it is the lover of life who has the spirit to leap backwards, and only the pessimist who continues to be a progressive.

GK Chesterton

One of the eternal paradoxes of human politics is the fact that it is only the man who is brave enough to challenge dragons who can discover that they are only lizards.

GK Chesterton

In truth there are only two kinds of people, those who accept dogmas and know it, and those who accept dogmas and don’t know it.

GK Chesterton

When people begin to ignore human dignity, it will not be long before they begin to ignore human rights.

GK Chesterton

A society is in decay, final or transitional, when common sense has really become very uncommon.

Straightforward ideas appear strange or unfamiliar, and any thought that does not follow the conventional curve or twist, is supposed to be a sort of joke.

GK Chesterton

Rare and heroic wars arise from rare and heroic loves, such as the love of liberty.

GK Chesterton

My own political philosophy is very plain and humble; I can trust the uneducated, but not the badly educated

GK Chesterton

There is a kind of work which any man can do, but from which many men shrink, generally because it is very hard work, sometimes because they fear it will lead them whither they do not wish to go. It is called thinking.

GK Chesterton

Hay dos formas para tener lo suficiente: una acumular más, la otra desear menos

GK Chesterton

An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered.An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.

GK Chesterton

An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.

GK Chesterton

Los hombres no difieren mucho en lo que creen que es malo. Difieren enormemente en lo que llaman excusable.

GK Chesterton

The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.

GK Chesterton, Illustrated London News, 1924-04-19