Solo una mente educada puede entender un pensamiento diferente al suyo sin necesidad de aceptarlo.


It is also a habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens at table and in society; citizens, they feel, are enemies, but aliens will offer no opposition.


La excelencia nunca es un accidente. Siempre es el resultado de una gran intención, un esfuerzo sincero y una ejecución inteligente.


Si quieres persuadir a alguien, utiliza sus mismos argumentos.


The problem is not to aim high and fail but to aim low and hit.


The greater the number of owners, the less the respect for common property.
People are much more careful of their personal possessions than of those owned
communally; they exercise care over common property only in so far as they are
personally affected.

Aristóteles, Política